Frequently Asked Questions

What entails a Consultation appointment?

Any questions or concerns you have with any of our offered procedures will be covered during a consultation appointment, and whether or not you are a good candidate for said procedure. Initial consultation fee is $50. If you choose to proceed with the procedure, the $50 consultation fee will be credited toward your treatment.

How many units of Botox/Dysport do I need?

Depending on what areas bother you (forehead lines, crows feet, in between the eyes), and the strength of your facial muscles, the dosage of Botox varies between 10-48 units.

When will my Dysport kick in?

After being injected, you will start to see results after 24 to 48 hours with results lasting up to 4 months.

What can I do to prepare for injections?

There is not much you need to do before being injected. We do recommend not taking any blood thinners (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Fish Oil) at least one week before injection. Blood thinners can increase your risk of bruising.

What is IPL?

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light that helps to correct rosacea (redness), hyper-pigmentation (age spots), fine lines and wrinkles. We recommend at least 5 treatments for optimal results.

Do I qualify for IPL?

Because the laser destroys the dark pigment in your skin, having a tan can be risky and could potentially cause blistering, therefore, we ask that you come in without a sun tan or self-tanner.

We are able perform treatment on those of you with darker, olive complexions, but the parameters of the laser are turned down lower than someone with fair skin.

What is the after-care for IPL?

You may feel like you have mild to severe sunburn after being treated. You will want to treat your skin like you have a sunburn:

  • Wash the treated skin with a gentle soap when showering.

  • If you are uncomfortable with the burning sensation, use aloe vera for relief, or take an anti-inflammatory.

Approximately 72 hours after treatment, you will notice that the brown spots on your skin will begin to mildly scab. These scabs usually look like small coffee grounds on your skin. Do not pick or scrub your skin for two weeks. They will flake off during recovery. Full recovery time is usually three to four weeks, and After that time, you may schedule your next treatment.

How do I prepare for my Laser Hair Removal appointment?

There is little preparation for laser hair removal, but we do ask that you come in freshly shaved down to the skin for a more comfortable and effective treatment.

Am I a good candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal only works on darker hair. The machine cannot detect light hair.
Like the IPL, we do recommend that you have untanned skin.

What is the after-care for Laser Hair Removal?

You may feel like you have a mild sunburn in the area that was treated for approximately 1-2 hours. You can use aloe vera to relieve the uncomfortable sensation. Do not shave or wax until at least 5 days after treatment. We recommend at least 6 treatments for optimal results with each treatment being 4-6 weeks apart.

What is the down-time and after-care for Micro-Needling?

There is little down-time with Micro-Needling.

Directly after your appointment, your skin may feel like you have a mild to moderate sunburn, and you will be slightly pink.

The redness will subside within one hour, and your skin will be slightly tender for the next 48 hours. Feel free to apply cold compresses as needed. Do not apply makeup for 24 hours after treatment. Wash your skin with a mild cleanser, and use a moisturizer and sunscreen daily.

What is the downtime and after-care for Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is an essentially zero-downtime treatment because you are healing from the inside-out. If you are treating around the eyes, bruising may occur due to the area being extremely vascular. Our office can provide oral Arnica if you are prone to bruising.

The skin may be dry for 1-2 weeks so we ask that you stay moisturized with aftercare products like Alastin Skin Nectar and Alastin Recovery Balm.

Your skin will be sensitive to sun for approximately 2-3 weeks, so a mineral sunscreen is recommended daily.

No Retin-A, Retinols, acids like Salycylic, Glycolic, or Lactic for 5 days post-treatment.

Do not apply cold compresses to the area after treatment.

Ask Us anything

If you have any questions we did not answer here, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.